Divorce Coaching Podcast
Tom Nash, aka Mr Divorce Coach, hosts the Divorce Coaching Podcast, talking all things divorce & separation, relationship breakups & the emotional rollercoaster of it all! Through to affairs, coparenting, step-parenting, blended families, domestic abuse & more.
A mix of both personal and professional experiences, talking about everything and anything divorce & separation related, the List is endless!
With many guest speakers, both individuals stories as well as divorce professionals such as lawyers, mediators and financial specialists.
Divorce Coaching Podcast
Divorce Stories, a Dad's Experience - Ep29 The Divorce Coaching Podcast
Hey Listeners đź‘‹,
We've had a lot of professionals on the show and those that seek to support a client in various ways through a divorce / separation. But I wanted to start bringing you some personal stories, from individuals (and hopefully some couples) about their own experiences of divorce, separation, co-parenting, the family courts and more.
20th June 2022 (day of posting) is "International Fathers' Mental Health Day"... Conveniently it's the day after Fathers Day (UK), so it seemed very apt to share a recording from a few weeks back with a former client, and dad who went through his own journey of C100's, CafCass and the family court system to access to and care for his young daughter... a daughter he didn't even know existed at the time of her birth!
Not until a friend showed him something on social media that his ex had posted!
In this episode we hear about Sam's story, his struggles both practically and emotionally. The impact on his daily life and the obstacles he came up against... More importantly we hear about his triumph and how this story, like so many that we don't hear about, has a happy, heart warming and loving end.
When we're going through something as challenging, emotionally & physically draining as a divorce/separation or child arrangement order proceedings, it can be very easy to latch on to the horror stories of others. The fears we already have. The negative experiences of others. BUT, there are so many positive stories out there that we never hear about or that don't have a light shone on them. My guest today wanted to share his story to let you know you are not alone. That there is a way through this and out the other side. That there is a real need to focus on self-development, self-reflection, what you can control, and how to manage and regulate your emotions at this time.
If you have a positive story you would like to share, I would love to hear from you and have you on the show. DM me and we can set it up.
As always, please do give us a like👍, comment⌨️ & a share📲 for others to find and watch this video.
Enjoy and thanks for listening.